The last goodbye imageThe last goodbye image
Sergeant Ernest Scott was finally laid to rest, with full military honours on 1st February, 1991 at Margate Cemetery, Kent.  He lies in Section 50, Grave No. 16241 .

Malcom Pettit was there and met many of Ernest's old mates from 222 Squadron, even the Rigger who was the last man to strap him into the cockpit for his last fatal flight. This was the late Arthur 'Dave' Davis.

The C.O. of nearby RAF Manston also attended, saying,

"Sergeant Scott did not want or seek to lose his life. But he was willing to risk it for things that matter. It was taken from him on the threshold of achievement. But in his short time span, he did more than most of us. It is our honour to recognise that today. He was a gentle and sensitive young man who knew the ideals he was fighting for. He is no longer missing."

Winston Churchill said the telling phrase to describe how these people should be remembered.

                                 "Never was so much owed, by so many, to so few "